The Mogami 2497 is the gold rated high end Hifi interconnect cable from the house of Mogami- Japan that has gained acclaim all over the world from audiophiles and studio professionals alike.
It is probably the most underrated interconnect in the world and can be found on multiple websites being terminated using WBT Ag Next Gen 102 RCA plugs ( each plug costing over 100$ ) which only prove the high regard and value estimated of this truly wholesome and transparent unbalanced IC cable.
It has been Mogami’s Flagship Interconnect for over 15yrs and is still the reference interconnect at Abbey Road , Platinum and Capitol Studios.
Constructed with a patented Double‐Cylindrical structure Like the smaller 2803, the 2497 is a high resolution cable with rich detail for the most demanding hi fi applications
The 2497 is a Cable providing a rich Insight to lower-high frequencies in particular. Instruments like cymbals, high-hats, zijians shine through loud and clear.Midbass is the MOGAMI cable forte. Positive aspects like Warmness, Openness, Realism, etc comes to mind immediately. Though we would describe the bass region a bit a little one-note at times (Very un-Japanese style I should say.) the lows are prominent, weighty and punchy.
The cable is offered in both unterminated lengths and factory terminated finished interconnects (1.0 m pair ) with either high quality eutectic link RCA plug ( black) or high quality ‘copper colour’ RCA ( silver) termination depending on current stock.
The interconnect has been positively tested with Accuphase, Luxman and Macintosh based systems in Mumbai and Chennai
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